Top 5 Questions You May Have...
- What is it like? Centertown United Methodist Church is a welcoming, friendly church. Our congregation feels as if you are part of the family as soon as you enter.
- What about my kids? We have a large number of children 7 and under. We are working to grow ages 8-youth. We offer Sunday school classes beginning at 9:30, children's message in which the children all come to the front of the church for a mini-lesson geared specifically for children, and we have a pastor and church full of loving people who do not mind the sound of children.
- What time should I arrive? Worship service is live-streamed, so arriving at least 10 minutes prior to 11:00 would be beneficial.
- What do I wear? Come as you are. You will find that there are some who dress casually and others who dress professionally.
- How can I get connected? We have a Facebook page, Instagram, and offer Sunday school and Sunday evening classes to promote small group settings and the ability to connect to others.